Seasonal Lawn Care: Preparing for Winter

Oct 09, 2023


As the days grow shorter and the temperatures begin to drop, it's time to start thinking about preparing your lawn for the winter season. Taking the necessary steps now will ensure that your lawn stays healthy and vibrant throughout the colder months, and will be ready to thrive once spring arrives. In this blog post, we will provide you with some essential tips and guidelines for seasonal lawn care.

1. Clean Up Fallen Leaves

One of the first tasks you should tackle in your winter lawn care routine is removing fallen leaves. Leaves left on the ground can create a barrier that prevents sunlight and air from reaching the grass, leading to potential disease and damage. Rake up the leaves regularly and either compost them or dispose of them properly.

fallen leaves

2. Continue Mowing

Many homeowners make the mistake of thinking that once fall arrives, they can stop mowing their lawn. However, it is important to continue mowing until the grass stops growing. Set your mower to a lower height than usual to prevent the grass from matting down and becoming susceptible to diseases.

3. Aerate the Soil

Aerating your lawn before winter sets in can greatly benefit its overall health. This process involves creating small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the grassroots. You can rent an aerator or hire a professional to do the job for you.

lawn aeration

4. Fertilize Appropriately

Applying fertilizer before winter can help your lawn store essential nutrients and promote root growth during the dormant season. Use a slow-release fertilizer with a high phosphorus content to strengthen the roots and enhance winter hardiness. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper application.

5. Control Weeds

Don't let weeds take over your lawn during the winter months. Apply a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent weed seeds from germinating. Additionally, manually remove any existing weeds to prevent them from spreading and competing with your grass for nutrients.

weed control

6. Watering

Adjust your watering schedule as the temperature drops. Reduce the frequency of watering while ensuring the lawn receives deep, thorough watering each time. This will encourage the grass to develop deep roots, making it more resilient to winter stress.

7. Protect Against Winter Damage

Take steps to protect your lawn from potential winter damage. Avoid walking on frozen grass to prevent breakage, and be cautious when shoveling snow to avoid damaging the turf. Consider using markers to indicate areas where the lawn should not be walked or plowed.

winter damage protection

8. Prepare Your Equipment

Lastly, don't forget to prepare your lawn care equipment for winter storage. Clean and sharpen your mower blades, drain fuel from gas-powered equipment, and store everything in a dry and secure location. Properly maintaining your equipment will ensure it is ready to use when spring arrives.


By following these seasonal lawn care tips, you can ensure that your lawn stays healthy and strong throughout the winter months. Remember to clean up fallen leaves, continue mowing, aerate the soil, fertilize appropriately, control weeds, adjust watering, protect against winter damage, and prepare your equipment. With a little extra care and attention, your lawn will be ready to flourish once the warmer weather returns.